Scholarship Application

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Map of Mid-Dakota service area

Successful applicant will receive one of four $750 scholarships. Applicant must be a child of a member of Mid-Dakota Rural Water System or a resident in one of Mid-Dakota’s participating communities. The applicant must attend a South Dakota Post-Secondary educational facility and have a grade point average of 2.8 or higher (please provide a copy of transcript). This form must be completely filled out and a 250 to 500 word essay on what rural water has meant to the applicant or his/her community must be attached. A current photo is also required to be used for publicity purposes. Mid-Dakota reserves the right to print any and all essays that have been submitted. Please upload your essay and transcript as a PDF.

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    If no Account number, please state what participating community you are a member of.

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    Please compose and attach a 250-500 word essay about the benefits of rural water or what Mid-Dakota has done for you or your community (title is of your choosing). Deadline for the applications to be in the Mid-Dakota office is 5:00 p.m. April 1st. Send completed application, transcript, current photo and essay to:

    Mid-Dakota Rural Water System, Inc. Attn: Scholarship Committee P.O. Box 318 Miller, SD 57362-0318

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